Utopia and Art

Welcome to my project! As you may know, I am in the final stretch of a PhD project on “Utopia and Art” and as part of that project, I ask, do you have a dream of a better world? What is your dream? Would it even help to take a minute and describe your dream? It could be as small as an idea to calm the traffic, or as grand as imagining a whole new continent. If you decide to participate, your contribution will be credited, unless you prefer to remain anonymous, in my dissertation write up. To join in this project, please answer the following five questions (the answers can be short and sweet or a long ramble). There are no wrong answers, and the answers can be written in the comment box, or e-mailed to me directly if you prefer anonymity. Again, welcome!

andrew jung pandoras box

  1. Imagine your perfect world – what would it be like?
  2. What is your understanding of what the word “Utopia” means? (No wrong answer)
  3. When someone calls something “Utopian” do you imagine that this is a good, bad, or neutral quality? What would you assume they mean by it?
  4. If you were asked to draw or paint a picture about Utopia, how might you proceed?
  5. Do you think imagining Utopia is for an individual, or should it be imagined as a group?